Computed tomography (CT)
Multilayer computed tomography (CT) is a modern diagnostic method that combines ionizing radiation and sophisticated computer technologies. The multi-slice CT scanner refers to a special CT system equipped with a multiple-row detector array to simultaneously collect data at different slice locations. The multi-slice CT scanner has the capability of rapidly scanning large longitudinal (z) volume with high z-axis resolution.
The latest generation "GE Healthcare" 64/128 incision computed tomography (CT) equipment "REVOLUTION EVO Rev.5" has been purchased at the Zemgale Health Center, which allows examinations to be performed much faster and with excellent image quality.
Multilayer computed tomography (CT) examination:
- brain, sinuses and middle ear
- vertebrae and intervertebral discs;
- lungs and mediastinum;
- abdominal organs, small pelvic organs;
- bones and joints;
- CT angiography.
What happens during the procedure?
During the computed tomography examination, the patient is placed on a special table around which the X-ray lamp rotates during the examination. The examination is not painful or unpleasant for the patient. It is very important that the patient does not move on the examination table. The patient should hold their breath for a few seconds during the chest and abdominal examination. The time of the procedure varies greatly (15-40 minutes), depending on the part of the body being examined. During the examination, it is often necessary to inject a contrast agent into a vein, which usually causes a feeling of warmth. This is normal and in no case indicates a dangerous side effect of the body on the contrast medium.
How to prepare for the procedure?
The patient arrives at the CT scan of the abdominal organs on an empty stomach (do not eat for 3 hours before the procedure). If necessary, the patient should receive a contrast agent prior to the procedure. It is not harmful and does not cause any unpleasant reactions in the body.
Because computed tomography often requires intravenous contrast, the patient needs to take blood test -kidney biochemistry - creatinine and blood UREA - before the Ct examination. Contrast should not be given if the patient is allergic to iodine!
To avoid poor quality images, the patient must remove all metal parts - jewelry, etc. - before the examination.
Is the procedure harmful?
The radiation dose during this procedure is higher than during a normal X-ray, but the risk of examination is minimal and there are no side effects. CT scans should be avoided in pregnant women due to the potential genetic consequences. T
! Whether the patient is undergoing a paid or state funded computed tomography examination, a doctor's referral is mandatory.
Code | Service | Price |
11023 | Galvas un deguna blakusdobumu kompjūtertomogrāfija bez kontrastēšanas | 95.00 € |
11030 | Krūšu kurvja kompjūtertomogrāfija ar i/v nejonēto kontrastvielu "bolus" veidā | 165.00 € |
11031 | Vēdera un mazā iegurņa kompjūtertomogrāfija ar perorālo un i/v nejonēto kontrastvielu "bolus" veidā | 220.00 € |
11035 | CT izmeklējuma apraksts | 35.00 € |