In 1982, she graduated from the Riga Medical Institute
Provides consultations, diagnostics and treatment in cases of acute and chronic allergic diseases.
Consults every second week.
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
09:00 17:00 |
Jelgava City Hospital - head of the department, anesthesiologist-resuscitator
Ltd. "Zemgales Health Center" - anesthesiologist-resuscitator
- Graduated from the Riga Medical Institute in 1990
- Certified anesthesiologist-resuscitator
Performs anesthesia during manipulations and surgeries
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
18:00 |
Veic anestēzijas pie manipulācijām un operācijām;
In 2011 she graduated from Riga Stradins University (study program "Residency in Medicine" qualification of doctor of occupational health and diseases)
- Certified
Consults and treats:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
17:30 |
17:30 |
Nozarē strādā jau vairāk kā 15 gadus, gadā veicot 500 vēnu operācijas. Gūtā pieredze ļauj precīzi orientēties un savlaicīgi atpazīt neveselu vēnu radītos simptomus.
Ikdienas praksē saviem pacientiem sniedz pilna spektra fleboloģisko palīdzību, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot neveselu vēnu radītu kosmētisku problēmu risināšanai.
Specializējies vēnu saslimšanu diagnostikā un ārstēšanā.
Vēnu operācijas veic arī estētiskos nolūkos. Ikdienā veic lāzeroperācijas.
Bieži neveselu, neglītu vēnu ārstēšanu var paveikt ar injekcijām jeb skleroterapiju.
Sniegtie pakalpojumi:
Flebologa pieņemšana;
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
Riga Stradins University - qualification of an audiologist;
Consults adults and children;
Performs , diagnosis, correction and rehabilitation of communication skills, speech / language, phonation and swallowing disorders, and draws up a rehabilitation plan.
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
08:30 17:30 |
08:30 17:30 |
13:30 17:30 |
13:30 17:30 |
- In 2005 she graduated from the University of Latvia and obtained a doctor's degree
- In 2008 she graduated from the University of Latvia with a residency in dermatovenerology
Investigates and treats:
Diagnostic methods:
Other information: Paid consultations only
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
08:40 17:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
13:30 18:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
08:00 18:00 |
Izmeklē un ārstē:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
16:00 |
- In 1997 she graduated from the Latvian Medical Academy
Professional organizations:
- Patients with endocrine disorders.
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
16:00 |
Assoc. Prof. Vitolds Mackēvičs
2006 - Dr. med. degree Riga Stradiņš University
2001 - 2004 Doctoral studies - Rīga Stradiņš University & Molecular biology laboratory of the Salzburg General Hospital, Salzburg, Austria
1984 - 1986 - Psotgraduate clinical training in internal medicine and endocrinology P.Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital, Riga
1980 - 1981 Internship in internal medicine Regional Hospital of Jelgava
1980 Medical Doctor’s Diploma Riga Stradiņš University
- Patients with endocrine disorders.
Work experience:
Academic Staff, Department of Internal DiseasesWork experience
2013 - Present Associate Professor
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Diseases
2006 - 2013 Assistant professor
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Diseases
1995 - 2006
Assistant Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Diseases
1988 - 1995
Research coworker and lecturer
Nephrology laboratory and Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Diseases
1986 - 1988
P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Riga
1980 - 1984
Emergency Medical Aid Service, Jelgava
Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade
2013.-2016. Coordinator of doctoral thesis, Riga Stradiņš University, Research Department
2015. Presentation of the research project at EC conference on Horizon 2020 programme, September 17, Brussels, Belgium
2014. Clinical and research training, University of Genoa & San Martino Regional Hospital, July 2014, Genoa, Italy
2013. Clinical and research training, University of Pavia, Department of Internal medicine, May 2013, Pavia, Italy
2012. Clinical and research training, Frederiksberg Hospital, Department of Internal medicine, May 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
2010. University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, Advanced studies programme "Professional competences of teachers for innovations creating the European higher education area". 160 hours. Cerificate No 013533
2010. 9h European Society of Endocrinology Postgraduate Course in Clinical Endocrinology, May 2010, Tartu, Estonia. Report at the 5th Baltic endocrinology congress, May 27-29, 2010, Tartu, Estonia
2010. Research training , General Hospital of Salcburg, Clinic of internal medicine, April 2010, Salcburg, Austria
2008. London Deanery, UK. Novel aspects and improvements in postgraduate clinical training programmes in general medicine and endocrinology.
2002.-2004. Doctoral studies. Laboratory of molecular genetics, Salzburg General Hospital, Salzburg, Austria. Topic: The influence of Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs T45G and G276T) at the adiponectin gene locus on insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome in the SAPHIR population
2001, 2002. Research trainings, Laboratory of molecular genetics, Salzburg General Hospital, Salzburg, Austria
1995. Clinical and research training, Clinical laboratory of the Altona Hospital, Hamburg, Germany
1993. Clinical and research training, Medical clinic and Laboratory of molecular biology, University of Heidelberg, Germany
1992. Clinical and research training, Karolinska Hospital and Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Field of research
Cardiovascular disease risk factors, their identification and prevention;
Obesity, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, diabetes; diabetes complications and their prevention
Arterial hypertension;
Calcium metabolism, vitamin D, osteoporosis, bone, muscle and connective tissue disoders; innovative therapeutic technologies
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
15:30 18:00 |
Veic gastroskopiju jeb augšējo endoskopiju un kolonoskopiju jeb apakšējo endoskopiju.
Endoskopiskos izmeklējumus veic narkozē un bez narkozes.
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
Izglītība un pieredze
Stažēšanās un kursi
Dalība biedrībās, organizācijās:
Darba pieredze:
Izmeklē, diagnosticē un ārstē:
Veic helikobaktērijas infekcijas diagnostiku - ar ātro ureāzes testu vai ar veiktās biopsijas histoloģisko izmeklēšanu (rezultāts ir gatavs 2 nedēļu laikā)
Endoskopiskos izmeklējumus veic:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
16:00 |
16:00 |
16:00 |
Education and experience:
Consults: adults and children with posture disorders;
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system (back pain, etc.)
- diseases of the nervous system;
- after surgical illnesses and injuries;
- etc.
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
11:00 |
15:00 |
16:00 |
16:00 |
15:00 |
Education and experience:
Works with adults and children and makes up an individual physiotherapy plan.
- musculoskeletal and joint systems diseases (back pain, etc.);
- diseases of the nervous system, i.e. stroke, neurogenerative diseases, neuropathy, etc.;
- after surgical illnesses and injuries;
- other.
Izglītība un pieredze:
Izstrādātais zinātniski pētnieciskais darbs “Aerobu vingrinājumu un elpošanas muskuļu treniņa programma personām ar insulta izraisītiem hroniskiem funkcionāliem traucējumiem” tika prezentēts Rīgas stradiņa universitātē pirmajā Latvijas Nacionālais rehabilitācijas kongresā 2019.gadā
Izstrādāts zinātniski pētnieciskais darbs “Krūšu kurvja mobilitāte un tās saistība ar elpošanas sistēmas funkcionālajiem rādītājiem pacientiem ar hemiparēzi”
Dalība profesionālās organizācijās:
Darba pieredze:
Konsultē un ārstē:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
15:30 |
15:30 |
15:30 |
15:30 |
Konsultē: zīdaiņus, bērnus un grūtnieces
Education and experience:
In 1998 she graduated from the Latvian Medical Academy
In 1994, she graduated from the Latvian Red Cross Riga Nursing School
adults and children and draws up an individual physiotherapy plan.
-Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (back pain, etc.)
-diseases of the nervous system;
-after surgical illnesses and injuries;
Education and expierence:
Works with adults and children and makes up an individual physiotherapy plan.
- musculoskeletal and joint systems diseases (back pain, etc.);
- diseases of the nervous system, i.e. stroke, neurogenerative diseases, neuropathy, etc.;
- after surgical illnesses and injuries;
- other.
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
Education and expierence:
Works with adults and children and makes up an individual physiotherapy plan.
- musculoskeletal and joint systems diseases (back pain, etc.);
- diseases of the nervous system, i.e. stroke, neurogenerative diseases, neuropathy, etc.;
- after surgical illnesses and injuries;
- other.
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
16:00 |
16:00 |
16:00 |
16:00 |
Education and expierence:
Works with adults and children and makes up an individual physiotherapy plan.
- musculoskeletal and joint systems diseases (back pain, etc.);
- diseases of the nervous system, i.e. stroke, neurogenerative diseases, neuropathy, etc.;
- after surgical illnesses and injuries
- other.
Consults on gastroenterological issues, performs gastroscopy or upper endoscopy and colonoscopy or lower endoscopy.
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
Gynecologist-obstetrician Dr. Estere Vashkevich
Higher education obtained:
Advises on a wide range of gynecological problems:
During the visit:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
09:00 15:00 |
14:40 17:40 |
12:00 15:00 |
09:00 12:20 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
11:00 15:00 |
12:00 18:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
07:45 10:45 15:00 18:15 |
08:00 11:45 |
Education and experience:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
09:00 14:00 |
09:00 14:00 |
09:00 14:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
09:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
15:30 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
15:50 |
15:50 |
08:00 11:00 |
15:50 |
08:00 11:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
15:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
08:00 18:00 |
14:30 18:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
11:40 15:00 |
11:00 14:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
08:00 11:00 |
08:00 10:00 |
Education and specialization:
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
13:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
13:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
15:00 |
15:00 |
15:00 |
Dr. med., prof. Andris Gardovskis
Ķirurgs | Proktologs
Izglītība un kvalifikācija:
Darba pieredze:
Sniedz konsultācijas pirms operācijas un pēc operācijas.
Masseur - private practice
Phone: 29539982
Education and experience:
Performs: therapeutic and classic body massage;
Different methods are used:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
17:00 |
17:00 |
17:00 |
17:00 |
17:00 |
Sertificēts masieris;
Tiesības praktizēt fizikālās terapijas metodē un ūdensdziedniecībā
Education and experience:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
18:00 |
18:00 |
18:00 |
18:00 |
18:00 |
Education and experience:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
09:00 18:00 |
10:00 19:00 |
09:00 13.00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
09:00 18:00 |
10:00 19:00 |
09:00 13:00 |
The head nurse.
Nurse (general care nurse) in anesthesia and intensive care.
Termezskaya Medical School - qualified nurse 1987-1989
Additional training courses:
Training courses - regularly
Work experience:
Performs: physical therapy procedures
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
08:00 14:00 |
08:00 14:00 |
08:00 14:00 |
08:00 14:00 |
08:00 14:00 |
- In 1981, she graduated from Pauls Dauges Riga 1st Medical School
- Certified midwife
Education and experience:
Advises and performs blockades days in Day hospital
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
Working hours vary
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
Education and experience
Advises and performs blockades days in Day hospital
Education and experience:
Ophthalmologist's certificate from 2006
Work experience:
Special education:
Consults and treats:
Performs the necessary examinations to establish the diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy:
Consults every second week on Satudrays.
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
Consults every second week on Satudrays.
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
2005 Riga Stradins University
Diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases for children and adults.
Education and experience:
Membership in professional organizations:
Investigates and treats:
provides consultations, performs diagnostics, treatment, manipulation in cases of ear, throat and nose diseases:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
09:00 12:00 |
09:00 12:00 |
12:30 18:00 |
09:00 12:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
09:00 12:00 |
09:00 12:00 |
12:30 18:00 |
09:00 12:00 |
Education and experience:
Specializes in:
Working hours vary
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
17:00 |
17:00 |
Education and experience:
2010: Diploma "Podologist" of P. Stradiņš Medical College of the University of Latvia
2010: Certificate of P. Stradiņš Medical College of the University of Latvia "Masieris"
on various foot diseases,treatment and foot and nail care.
Diagnoses and treast disorders of the rectum, anus, and entire gastrointestinal tract.
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
16:00 18:00 |
Darba laiks mainīgs, lūdzam interesēties reģistratūrā
2016 - University of Latvia - professional bachelor's degree in radiography
Qualification: radiographer
- 2018 Latvijas Universitāte - bakalaura grāds radiogrāfijā un radiogrāfera kvalifikācija.
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
18:00 |
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
15:00 |
Rīgas Stradiņa Universitāte Tālākizglītības fakultāte
Rezidentūras programma radiologs – diagnosts
2017. gadā iegūta radiologa diagnosta kvalifikācija Latvijas Universitāte Medicīnas fakultāte ārstniecības programmā.
Asociācijas un biedrības:
Papildus izglītība:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
12:00 15:00 |
10:00 14:00 |
Education and experience:
Investigates and consults:
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
18:30 |
Vairāk kā 10 gadu pieredze darbā ar pacientiem ar aptaukošanos, malnutrīciju, pārtikas alerģijām un nepanesībām.
Speciālizācija - bērnu uzturs, svara korekcija, pārtikas alerģijas, vielmaiņas slimības, retās slimības.
Profesionālā darbība:
Dalība profsionālaš organnizācijās: