Education and experience:
Works with adults and children and makes up an individual physiotherapy plan.
- musculoskeletal and joint systems diseases (back pain, etc.);
- diseases of the nervous system, i.e. stroke, neurogenerative diseases, neuropathy, etc.;
- after surgical illnesses and injuries;
- other.
Izglītība un pieredze:
Izstrādātais zinātniski pētnieciskais darbs “Aerobu vingrinājumu un elpošanas muskuļu treniņa programma personām ar insulta izraisītiem hroniskiem funkcionāliem traucējumiem” tika prezentēts Rīgas stradiņa universitātē pirmajā Latvijas Nacionālais rehabilitācijas kongresā 2019.gadā
Izstrādāts zinātniski pētnieciskais darbs “Krūšu kurvja mobilitāte un tās saistība ar elpošanas sistēmas funkcionālajiem rādītājiem pacientiem ar hemiparēzi”
Dalība profesionālās organizācijās:
Darba pieredze:
Konsultē un ārstē:
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No Līdz |
15:30 |
15:30 |
15:30 |
15:30 |
Konsultē: zīdaiņus, bērnus un grūtnieces
Education and experience:
In 1998 she graduated from the Latvian Medical Academy
In 1994, she graduated from the Latvian Red Cross Riga Nursing School
adults and children and draws up an individual physiotherapy plan.
-Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (back pain, etc.)
-diseases of the nervous system;
-after surgical illnesses and injuries;
Education and expierence:
Works with adults and children and makes up an individual physiotherapy plan.
- musculoskeletal and joint systems diseases (back pain, etc.);
- diseases of the nervous system, i.e. stroke, neurogenerative diseases, neuropathy, etc.;
- after surgical illnesses and injuries;
- other.
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No Līdz |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
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No Līdz |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
08:30 16:00 |
Education and expierence:
Works with adults and children and makes up an individual physiotherapy plan.
- musculoskeletal and joint systems diseases (back pain, etc.);
- diseases of the nervous system, i.e. stroke, neurogenerative diseases, neuropathy, etc.;
- after surgical illnesses and injuries;
- other.
M | T | W | T | F | |
No Līdz |
16:00 |
16:00 |
16:00 |
16:00 |
Education and expierence:
Works with adults and children and makes up an individual physiotherapy plan.
- musculoskeletal and joint systems diseases (back pain, etc.);
- diseases of the nervous system, i.e. stroke, neurogenerative diseases, neuropathy, etc.;
- after surgical illnesses and injuries
- other.